I Created Disco
Even Calvin Harris might not recognize the Calvin Harris of this debut; the Scottish DJ bears little resemblance here to the EDM superstar he became. Rather, *I Created Disco* is the work of an artist in the mold of LCD Soundsystem: ragged, cheeky, and deceptively lo-fi. More akin to Devo than Diplo, the album is a beautiful mess of analog beats and vintage synths. \"Colours\" features a cheeky Harris singing over an 8-bit disco groove, while \"Love Souvenir\" is a chirping experimental slow jam. *Disco*\'s willful tackiness is part of its charm, as in the macho braggadocio and roller-rink beats of \"The Girls.\" Harris\' artistry is in evidence, but the signature EDM sound of songs like \"Feel So Close\" had yet to coalesce.
Calvin Harris didn't create disco, duh. He didn't create electro-house, either, but in a year full of cranked synths, proud hedonism, and Daft Punk shows, the UK music-buying public has decided to befriend the Scottish producer and singer-songwriter.