Born in Tokyo

AlbumSep 10 / 20136 songs, 1h 16m 59s
Ambient Ambient Techno Ambient Pop

For those keeping track 'Born In Tokyo' is album number twenty from Brock Van Wey's bvdub alias. As Its title suggests the album's amorous core was born upon a return from a brief trip to Tokyo in early 2013. The music's feel and flow highly suggest that this trip had a positive impact on Van Wey. The longing in the piano work that highlights the album sets the stage for Van Wey's various songstress' to weave through the near deep house rhythmic passages that come and go throughout the album's 70 plus minute runtime. Those familiar with Van Wey's output know he is a master at painting emotive tapestries of sound and Born In Tokyo may be his most wistful tapestry yet...