Far East Joints
Buzzing in from Okinawa, Bugseed has been making a name for himself in hip hop circles with finely constructed beats and clever sample riffs, inspiring a multitude of releases filtering across the globe. Bugseed’s finally traversed the Pacific Ocean to mingle with L.A.’s famed Cold Busted imprint, resulting in the bomb-tastic twelve song album Far East Joints. Dusty rhythms, layered loops, and ringing instrumentation represent Bugseed’s cool new take on a classic old school instrumental hip hop sound. Dig deep into the aptly titled “Accelerate The Vibe” and its speaker-rattling drum patterns, the jazzy cut-up rhythm and lilting melodica of “Brazilian Wax”, the lounge-tinged boom-bap pressure of “Flow Over”, and the hypnotic dream-groove of “Blastaway”. These are just some of the highlights found within Far East Joints, with Bugseed guiding the listener on a proper journey across the entire album. These Japanese beats are hefty and universal.