Arvo Pärt: Lamentate - These Words...

AlbumFeb 16 / 201811 songs, 56m 14s

Arvo Pärt’s 2002 *Lamentate* for piano and orchestra was written in response to Anish Kapoor’s sculpture *Marsyas* for London’s Tate Modern gallery and is an exquisite commentary on our relationships with time. Built on stunning contrasts, *Lamentate* emerges with a distant, solitary trumpet call before coruscating orchestra and piano, beautifully shaped and recorded, rip through the peace, ringing like tolling bells. Serenity returns with the gently waltzing “Pregando” and the Bachian “Solitudine – stato d’animo,” while Pärt’s bell effects return in the piercing “Stridendo,” and peace settles once more. The prayerful “These Words…,” which concludes this superb recording, testifies to the power of utter simplicity.