The Undisputed Truth

AlbumApr 10 / 200715 songs, 1h 1m 20s
Conscious Hip Hop

In the year 2000, Brother Ali joined Rhymesayers with a self-produced demo called Rites of Passage. Three years later Ali took the underground by storm with an undeniable stage presence and his critically acclaimed debut full-length Shadows On The Sun. The impact was unquestionable and that next year Ali solidified his place amongst the independent Hip Hop elite with the release of 2004's The Champion EP. Like deja vu, here we are three years later and Ali is ready to take the world by storm with his latest creation. After struggling through a series of personal roadblocks, from parting ways with his wife of 10 years, becoming homeless and trying to secure custody of his only son... Brother Ali along with Atmosphere producer and Shadows & Champion collaborator Ant, present the long awaited sophomore full-length album, The Undisputed Truth. Personal, political and more powerful than ever, simply put, the truth is here. "I wanted to make an album that gives you no choice but to feel what im saying at that given time", Ali explains of The Undisputed Truth. "I made choices that sent me through a lot of struggle in the past few years and Ant and I have made music that really communicates the exact feeling of those situations." -Brother Ali

6.6 / 10

Minneapolis MC continues to explore his inner landscape with tales of personal disillusionment, righteous political anger, and emotional calamity.


Some artists can be fully appreciated through their recorded output: Illmatic and The College Dropout give listeners a pretty good indication of what Nas and Kanye West are all about. Then there are rappers like Brother Ali, whose recorded output constitutes a poor substitute for his galvanizing live shows. Brother…

6 / 10

3.5 / 5

Brother Ali - The Undisputed Truth review: Brother Ali returns with the help of Ant and releases a solid, soulful hip-hop album. What it lacks in originality it makes up for in sheer quality, but some more variation would have been nice.<script src=