New Album

AlbumDec 06 / 201110 songs, 50m 16s
Dream Pop J-Rock
6.5 / 10

Boris' third album of 2011 finds the band, originally known for doom metal and fuzzed-out rock, swinging toward pop structures with decidedly mixed results.


In a move that’s as scrambled and paradoxical as its music, Boris is unleashing New Album—which came out in the group’s native Japan early this year—after the U.S. release of Heavy Rocks and Attention Please, the pair of albums that originally followed it. The convoluted chronology makes a weird sort of sense. New…

6.0 / 10

Boris fans are used to left turns, but New Album opener “Flare,” with its hyped-up J-pop plus Mars Volta mall-prog collision, could have them double-checking to make sure this is in fact a Boris album.

4.0 / 5

Boris - New Album review: The most un-Boris-like album ever, may just be the most Boris-like album ever.