Bob Vylan Presents The Price Of Life

AlbumApr 22 / 202215 songs, 34m 17s
Punk Rock UK Hip Hop Political Hip Hop Hardcore Hip Hop
Popular Highly Rated


8 / 10

Bob Vylan Presents The Price of Life tears apart Great Britain with unflinching conviction

Bob Vylan's 2020 debut 'We Live Here' was deemed "extreme" but spoke to that moment in time perfectly. They've done it again with album two.

5 / 5

Uncompromisingly vicious call to revolution by brilliant London grime-punk-noise duo Bob Vylan…

One of the year’s most essential records yet.

9 / 10

Music Review: Bob Vylan - Bob Vylan Presents The Price Of Life

10 / 10

Jack Press reviews the new album from UK rising stars Bob Vylan. Read the review of 'Bob Vylan Presents The Price Of Life' here!

7 / 10

Bob Vylan are making music for class war – and it's exhilarating. Bob Vylan Presents The Price Of Life is a ferocious record

A second album of bolshy rap-rock takes aim at not-so-Great Britain – and its message couldn’t be timelier

Jason Pierce’s songwriting will enthrall fans, while Bob Vylan’s will fire them up. Meanwhile, Fontaines DC offer a love letter to Dublin