La Hague
💿 Stream/Support → fanlink.to/laHague Blumen brings a release filled with good vibes on his latest EP “La Hague”. Groovy guitars, sleepy beats and nostalgic atmospheres guide your way. Riding through the release feels like watching delicate petals floating on the surface of a calm water 💧🌸 🎵 Music by Blumen → open.spotify.com/artist/1iAP06My9fOKSWunfLK9FH 🎵 Tah. → open.spotify.com/artist/5tbllvHfDoHsDZuTnrs9Pb 🎵 mell-ø → open.spotify.com/artist/6bA2OonnJsG1tN9yClu2aC 🎵 Hoogway → open.spotify.com/artist/1Mh9G47YfuaLdQs44voLrQ 🎨 Artwork by Klegs → www.instagram.com/klegsart/ → klegs.deviantart.com → twitter.com/KlegsART/ 🎼 Listen to ChilledCow on Spotify, Apple music and more → bit.ly/chilledcow-playlists 💬 Join the Discord server → bit.ly/chilledcow-discord 👕 Check out the ChilledCow merch → bit.ly/chilledcow-merch 🌎 Follow ChilledCow everywhere → bit.ly/chilledcow-instagram → bit.ly/chilledcow-twitter → bit.ly/chilledcow-facebook 📝 Submit your music → bit.ly/chilledcow-submissions