Sabrina Teitelbaum’s self-titled debut is a candid snapshot of early adulthood, a cruel rotation of bad substances, scummy men, and friendship anxieties.
Urgent, funny and fearless, the LA artist's debut album sees her imbue her rage with wit and fierce ambition
More than any sing-along chorus, Blondshell's personal touch and sense of relentless honesty are what shine through most on her debut and offer up an exciting introduction to a talented songwriter.
Contrary to F. Scott Fitzgerald's well worn adage, the modern American music industry was built on second (and third and fourth acts). These...
As the world retreated into lockdown, Sabrina Teitelbaum, hailing from New York but now rooted in the creative landscape of Los Angeles, began to explore new sonic territory, leaving behind her former pop project and embracing a darker, rawer sound.
“We accept the love we think we deserve.” If you’ve read or watched Stephen Chbosky’s The Perks of Being a Wallflower, there is no more sobering epiphany
Blondshell by Blondshell album review: if the arrangements were as strong as the lyrics, this would be an incredible album
Blondshell by Blondshell Album review by Adam Fink for Northern Transmissions. Their debut full-length for Partisan records is out today
Sabrina Teitelbaum writes her rage in various vivid shades, resulting in a coming of age album with PJ Harvey and Hole influences