Live from Space
Album • Dec 05 / 2013 • 17 songs, 1h 19m 19s • 29%
The musical collective Birds of Chicago document their onstage chemistry with a freewheeling set that ranges from smoldering soul (“I Have Heard Words”) and steamy roots-rock (“Prairie Lullaby”) to festive Creole dance tunes (“Sans Souci”) and laid-back pop ruminations (“Funeral”). Core members JT Nero and Allison Russell find common ground among these diverse styles with the help of a supple, genre-bending backup ensemble. “Barley” and “Sparrow” show off the visceral power of Russell’s lead vocals; “North Star” and “Fever Dream” spotlight Nero’s feisty, folk-influenced tones. The quirky imagery of “Firespitter” adds further substance.