
AlbumMar 04 / 201312 songs, 41m 45s
Dream Pop Singer-Songwriter Ambient Pop

Recorded in Kent & West Sussex, UK, Summer 2012 More info: pioulard.com/hymnal.htm Mastered by Rafael Anton Irisarri at www.blackknollstudio.com

6.7 / 10

As Benoît Pioulard, UK-via-Mich. multi-instrumentalist Thomas Meluch comes across as a doomed romantic slowly disappearing into his own reflection. His newest collection, which culminates in an imposing drone piece, was inspired by the religious iconography of Southern England and mainland Europe.

7 / 10

As an artist who started his career creating amateur field recordings, Thomas Meluch (aka Benoît Pioulard) has continued to make music that...

7 / 10

Don't expect a career-changing overhaul on Hymnal, the fourth proper solo album by Benoît Pioulard (né Thomas Meluch).

65 %

Album Reviews: Benoît Pioulard - Hymnal