The Rip Tide

AlbumAug 30 / 20119 songs, 33m 13s
Indie Folk
7.7 / 10

Beirut's defiantly small third studio album finds a restrained, stately Zach Condon displaying his antiquated fantasies on slightly shrunken canvases.


The third album by Zach Condon’s world-folk outfit Beirut moves beyond the narrow thematic exercises of the band’s previous records, instead blending and building from everything the 25-year-old Condon attempted previously. The Rip Tide pivots nimbly from the techno-pop of the catchy, heartfelt “Santa Fe” to the…

6 / 10

8.0 / 10

Zach Condon’s Beirut is in a funny position. He’s cut his teeth on staunchly outsider Balkan folk, but he’s also one of the…

While never wowing, ‘The Rip Tide’ does a damn fine job of pleasing.

7.0 / 10

The Rip Tide may finally answer the question, "Will the real Beirut please stand up?"

8 / 10

I ’ll be honest - I was never that fussed with Beirut.

<p>Zach Condon reins in the raggle-taggle on Beirut's intriguing third album, writes <strong>Kitty Empire</strong></p>

The Rip Tide sounds like a bid for freedom from influences and trends.

5 / 10

Zach Condon's ditched the gap year musical tourism, says <strong>Tim Jonze</strong>, and developed into a thrilling talent

66 %

90 %

4.0 / 5

Beirut - The Rip Tide review: Beirut awaken from their European reverie and produce a startlingly mature third LP.

8 / 10