Metal Resistance

AlbumApr 01 / 201612 songs, 53m 55s
Alternative Metal
Popular Highly Rated

The Japanese group BABYMETAL are premised upon the unlikeliest of contrasts: Vocalists SU-METAL, YUIMETAL, and MOAMETAL harmonize sweetly while bludgeoning riffs crash and explode, and they apply that approach to a wide range of subgenres on their second album. The majestically bouncy “YAVA!” races along on a ska-inflected beat, the jittery “Gj!” nods to nu-metal, and “No Rain, No Rainbow” is a straight-up power ballad, complete with guitar solo. On “Awadama Fever,” which combines grinding guitars and hyperactive drums with a triumphant chorus, BABYMETAL further compress the distance between metal and pop.

6 / 10

The J-metal teenagers’ second album is a bewildering, but ultimately brilliant, concoction

8 / 10

It takes insane wherewithal to pull off what BABYMETAL, originally components of the SAKURA GAKUIN pop troupe, has. They're the equivalent of a charismatic sports team with an in-house screwball or two that attracts a large fandom, inevitably opening the door for haters. People were shocked — some a...

10 / 10

Jack Fermor-Worrell reviews the new album, Metal Resistance, from Babymetal, a band that is hugely divisive in the global metal scene.