Are You Serious
Andrew Bird's latest release is his third album of pop originals since getting married and having a son, and a happy domesticity informs it.
Andrew Bird’s career has been characterized by its prolific nature. Though it’s been four years since the songwriter released a full-length of original material, it’s not like he’s been dormant since. He released and toured behind a covers album of songs by The Handsome Family, began an instrumental series by…
Versatile multi-instrumentalist is back with one of his best records to date, blending artful folk and baroque pop for an irresistible sound.
Andrew Bird has fashioned songs out of formaldehyde and "Darkmatter," "Plasticities" and "Anonanimal"s. But he's rarely…
This is the strongest Bird has sounded in some time, but it’s not quite a monumental breakthrough.
Charming Chicago multi-instrumentalist and notable whistler Andrew Bird's new album Are You Serious is more precise and biting than his prev...
"Get out your dictionaries," Andrew Bird sings on the title song to his latest solo full-length, an apt line for someone whose lyrics often read like the New York Times crossword puzzle. Through his dozen-plus albums, Bird has used his verbosity as a shie