The rapping, singing, and drumming polymath approaches the funk canon from a rap perspective, offering a wide-angle portrait of Los Angeles’ hedonistic landscape.
The rapper explores the fall-out of newfound fame, but retains the sunny disposition that made us love him the first time around
This is another accomplished LP from .Paak, but it leaves us wondering what might have been
On so many of these tracks he sounds restless, like he’s already thinking about moving on to bigger and better things
Anderson .Paak's highly-anticipated Oxnard is a slow burn. It's not a bad effort by any stretch, but perhaps the excitement that hovered aro...
“The music business moving too fast for me.” Anderson Paak’s statement on new album ‘Oxnard’ seems paradoxical. Since
Anderson .Paak delivers on his own and with collaborators in our review of the funky and often ambitious 'Oxnard' for one of the year's best albums.
Joined by Kendrick Lamar, the artist’s trademark grooves are complex but compelling