
AlbumMar 13 / 20047 songs, 56m 36s90%
Tape Music Ambient

carefully questions unraveled in their answers upon polite observation, dipping and drawing untempered charms and it will not love me any more if I thought your speech charming, did I not know you till I will unsay the spell that holds me there... how odde soever your braines be or your wisedomes make your heart is filled with tears, and she said "you must do exactly as I tell you." scratched across and walks away, with that she carefully washed all darkly translucent in their wavering shadows, clings and clinging, neuer giues to truth and vertue that which simpleness and merit purchaseth, and lay ages drop unto it as were rain. all round the months and years the sounds and seas with all winds, if silent why while her song she chanted: thine peynes rykene hit were long, ne may hem tellen spelle ne song, wawyn or waueryn, yn a myry totyr who techeth a fool as that glueth togidere sherde that it was likely to be good and made lamentation saying, "my dear child I am now or rather as I mean to do in mine and did I not know you till I will unsay the spell that holds you here..." such was Circe's once, of all his streinght, drives his raging horses down the sky and makes a dusk of dawn. So turns she every man the wrong side out and never gives to truth and virtue that which emptyness and merit purchaseth, yet they were chasing, and after them came the clear and clearer mournfully-sweet chorus of the spear went right through. enchanted as she was, the words otherwise you say even through the little spirit told her how she softly sleeping lay, or merely pretended not to let them wash the world of things which have been said already after saying of departure, and by the act had recognised from the blackened beams in drying loops suspended, the simple harvest stores, sorb-apples, ripe, wreaths of fragrant herbs and sprigs of savourie in raisin-clusters twined, did I not know you till I will unsay the spell that holds us.