Words Are Missing
AGF is leaving the words behind. Instead she uses voice, beats and drones as well as creates a huge palette of unique sounds to work around the phenomena of silence, speechlessness, deconstructed language and impeded communication. The subjects in which the wordlessness is expressed are carefully chosen and vary from dark-memory experiences like visiting the concentration camp in Buchenwald (when the artist was 16) to beat-driven humorous content like the track called called Kreuzwortraetsel (cross word). The listener witnesses a recorded alphabet turning into a trilogy of compositions called Letters Make No Meaning (Weapons No War Gearms No Disease) I, Cognitive Modules Party II and Ooops For Understanding III, or the difference between recorded silence in the track 8.a Present 8.b Absent. MORE: www.poemproducer.com/e/1.html
Words Are Missing is the fourth album for AGF (Antye Greie-Fuchs to her friends) since 2002, which is actually a somewhat remarkable feat of consistency...