Nephew in the Wild (Deluxe Edition)

AlbumAug 21 / 201518 songs, 1h 2m 7s
6.7 / 10

Under the name Casiotone for the Painfully Alone, Owen Ashworth spent over a decade giving voice to the anxieties of young misfits with battery-powered keyboards serving as his primary accompaniment. He rebranded himself as Advance Base in 2011, and the best moments on his newest album find melancholy taking a backseat to lucid, unguarded sincerity.

6.7 / 10

Under the name Casiotone for the Painfully Alone, Owen Ashworth spent over a decade giving voice to the anxieties of young misfits with battery-powered keyboards serving as his primary accompaniment. He rebranded himself as Advance Base in 2011, and the best moments on his newest album find melancholy taking a backseat to lucid, unguarded sincerity.

Owen Ashworth’s conversational tone and cracked California burr give Advance Base the air of a barfly raconteur reading yellowed journal entries aloud.

Owen Ashworth’s conversational tone and cracked California burr give Advance Base the air of a barfly raconteur reading yellowed journal entries aloud.