Presents James Grieve
File Under: junglish-footwork flux by one of UK bass music's figureheads. Excellent sophomore album including collaborations with DJ Die, Sam Binga, MC DRS and Josefina. "Bass music arguably wouldn't be what it is right now without Addison Groove." Resident Advisor / March 2012 Boomkat wrote about Addison Groove's debut album "Transistor Rhythm" from March 2012: "Addison Groove, drawing on juke, electro, dubstep, ghetto-house and jeep-rocking hip-hop variants to create super-heavy bass music, leaves you with no alternative but to dance and/or bite your lower lip raw." The dancing and lip biting parts still count for his follow up "James Grieve", but the influences and music genres have slightly changed. There's a strong jungle influence present from beginning to end. "James Grieve" is also less raw and jackin' than the predecessor and seamlessly combines spacious, laid back and more rollin' tracks with a bunch of straight forward club bangers. While "Transistor Rhythm" was definitely Chicago inspired, "James Grieve" is pure Bristol through-and-through.
Album review: Addison Groove is back with 'Presents James Grieve', his new LP on Modeselektor's 50 Weapons label - read about it and stream it, exclusively