Focus and Field

AlbumDec 04 / 20203 songs, 45m 11s

"a mysterious soundscape of profound depth” - Takehiko Tokiwa, JazzLife Japan Tsuzumi The miko* at Kimbu's holy peak strikes her hand-drum, loud, then soft How mesmerizing is her beat Oh, do come on, let's go there too! Pon-pon, don-don resounding on and on how does she manage to drum like that thrumming on endlessly? *miko is a female shaman and messenger of Shinto On listening By extinguishing momentarily the bright flame of realistic consciousness and darkening the mind, one will enable the deeper consciousness to surface. This is very close to a state of being half awake and half asleep. The feeling of being halfway between dreaming and reality is the territory of time and space where the non-realistic consciousness dwells. It is where the participant can attune to the consciousness of the music. Past experiences in the depths of one's psyche will reverberate sympathetically with emotions expressed in the performance.